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Life as I'm learning it

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Location: Plymouth Meeting, Pennsylvania, United States

"It little profits that an idle king, By this still hearth, among these barren crags, Match'd with an agèd wife, I mete and dole Unequal laws unto a savage race, That hoard, and sleep, and feed, and know not me."

Saturday, June 03, 2006

How to get more traffic

Marketing guru Seth Godin has a huge list of ways to get more traffic for your blog. Many of the tips are obvious:

#8 Announce news
#15 Be sycophantic. Share linklove and expect some back.
#38 Write about blogging.
#39 Digest the good ideas of other people, all day, every day.
#46 Edit yourself. Ruthlessly.
#48 Be patient.
#50 Ping technorati. Or have someone smarter than me tell you how to do it automatically.
Some are controversial:

#10 Encourage your readers to help you manipulate the technorati top blog list.
#14 Be snarky. Write nearly libelous things about fellow bloggers, daring them to respond (with links back to you) on their blog.
#21 Use photos. Salacious ones are best.

And some are contradictory:

#2 Be topical... write posts that need to be read right now.
#5 Be timeless... write posts that will be readable in a year.
#9 Write short, pithy posts.
#12 Write long, definitive posts.
#11 Don't write about your cat, your boyfriend or your kids.
#13 Write about your kids.
But in all, it is a funny, interesting read. You better read it, because it isn't a nice idea to mess up with the gurus!


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